When you invite a painting crew inside your home or place of business, it’s nice to know you are dealing with experienced, dedicated professional painters.
That’s why Nu Coat hires only experienced painters with solid reputations for quality, courtesy and integrity. After all, you’re entrusting your home, your family and your valued possessions to their care when they enter your home to paint it. Nu Coat performs extensive background checks on all new employees. We look for top notch journeymen painters with who are professional grade and thoroughly experienced. Then we provide them with additional training on a wide range of skills to ensure their ability to handle any situation they may encounter on the job.
Your painted walls surround you, your family, your valued possessions – every aspect of your life at home. Our painting crew members believe that doing the job right, with the right materials and the right knowledge, will always save you money in the long term, and increase your satisfaction with living in your home.
Nu Coat painters are craftsmen and craftswomen in every sense of the word. Our work looks better, lasts longer, and will leave you satified long after the job is completed. With every job their reputation, and that of Nu Coat Painting, is on the line.
That’s how we do it. It’s really quite simple, yet so hard to find. The secret to our quality–and our reputation for high customer satisfaction–depends on these three elements. Our people, experienced, trained, with the right attitude and sense of commitment, combined with expert preparation of all surfaces, and the application of high quality, durable, long lasting paint from the best manufacturers in the business. That’s the combination that ensures beauty, long life, and satisfied customers, year after year.